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Friday, August 10, 2012

John 3:16 - The reason for the Cross

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.   

Thought I would share a different verse tonight than the theme from the last few days.  I know God is speaking (to me) on making sure our insides are purified, and to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.  I also know that as stated above, God gave His Son for us, so we shall not perish.  Sometimes we can get focused on things, and lose focus on the truths spoken in John 3:16.  I know most know this verse by heart.  Sometimes in my recent studies I come across verses that speak as much to me now, as the day i first came to Christ, and re-focused my life on Christ in Kentucky.  John 3:16 is one of those verses for me.

God recently has been speaking to me about making sure my inner actions line up with my outer actions through Scripture and others.  It is so easy for us to use Christian lingo to make it through a conversation with someone else, when in fact what you are saying does not describe you at the time.  We want to always look good in front of others, so we try our best to put a positive spin on anything negative we have done.  We also love to blame someone else for our situation.  We love to 'pass the buck' to anyone else, so we do not have to swallow our pride, and admit to ourselves and others that we are failures.  One of the hardest things for us to do is to admit we have failed and made a mistake.

Some of the blessings of God reminding me of the truths in John 3:16 are as follows: My thoughts went from dwelling on my situation, and my concerns, to remembering that Christ loves us so much, that he would die for our sins.  Though we are going through our trials and tribulations, the one thing that has stayed constant is Christ, and His love for us.

Another truth  I was reminded of is that we are not going to perish, but have eternal life.  I am reminded of something a pastor once told me:

"The main purpose of this life is for us to have the chance to choose Jesus as our Savior.  We do not know the day or hour that we will lose that chance forever, and if we do not choose to accept Jesus, that chance is lost forever, and we will spend an eternity in Hell, and the main thing we will dwell on in Hell is every opportunity we were presented a way for us to accept Christ as our Savior.  The disconnect from God is going to be worse than the physical torture that will be unleashed on those who are not saved." 

Jesus never tells us as believers that life as a Christian would be easy on this earth.  All He says is that if we accept Him as Our Savior, then we will experience the beauty and the awesomeness of being in Heaven, instead of spending an eternity in Hell, where the flame and the torture never will end.  Hell is not going to be a party, and Ii do not want any of my friends going there.

I try to share what God puts on my heart to share in the verses I share on Facebook, and via text.  My disclaimer has been and always will be, if you are convicted by reading the Scripture shared, to go and speak with God, and find out why.  I just felt led to share this tonight.

In Christ,


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