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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Life is just a Vapor (Updated 8.14.12)

  Editor's Note: I wrote this note a few years ago, but felt like i should update it and re-share it.

Jesus said our life is just a vapor here today, and gone tomorrow. Recently, I've been able to see this truth in many ways. Between my family's health scares (my wife's and mine) to people around me being called home to be with Jesus (Charlotte's grandmother),

 It's an alarming wake up call that we are not granted eternity here. I want to serve Jesus with all my heart, body and soul. I want my Savior to say 'Well done, good and faithful servant' instead of 'well, what did you do with all the things I blessed you with?' that day I see him face to face. God has blessed me with so much in my life, and I am grateful for every blessing bestowed on me. I know that I am blessed beyond measure, and it's only by HIS grace I have been redeemed.

I want to share a few blessings bestowed on me:

1. That God loved me so much that he sent his Son to die on the cross in my place!
2. A Godly wife who loves me very much (3. All my friends all over the country that encourage, bless, motivate, reprove, and love me, and i want to say to all of you that I love you all!!! :o) :o)
4. God allowing me to have a second chance to live for Him.
5. God answering my prayer requests as HE sees fit.
6. For forgiveness from God and from others for the stupid things I do.
7. God giving me a vision for my life, and what he wants me to do, and giving me a way to serve HIM!
8. ALL of my needs being met through the cross!
9. My adopted family members, especially my adopted brothers Chris and Russ.
10. A decent job, and co-workers that are nice, helpful, and willing to assist when asked to help.

I have many more things to be thankful for in this life, but not enough space to list every need.. I ask for those who read this blog, that they would take time out of their schedule to reflect on all God has blessed them with, and maybe consider taking some of those blessings, and use them to bless others.

In Christ

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